Kevin Gordon

Chief Technology Officer


Kevin Gordon, Chief Technology Officer at COEUS, has 20 years of experience leading and implementing technology solutions in pharma and healthcare. He works across healthcare, payers, and manufacturers to bring the best solutions to our customers and partners. He is actively involved in both implementation as well as establishing new areas of excellence.

Previously, Kevin was a consultant and led the implementation of systems and processes to support 12 successful product launches over 6 years. While consulting, he also launched a validated data archiving tool, helping to remove cost and overhead while maintaining long-term compliance for data retention. He has had the opportunity to work with emerging biotech, small molecule, and cell & gene therapy companies. Following consulting, Kevin joined Tmunity as CIO where he implemented a paperless manufacturing platform that was first in the industry. After Tmunity Kevin led the scaled data platform at Ori Biotech, where he built a cloud-connected cell manufacturing technology that allowed for remote monitoring, process optimization, and adaptive manufacturing to be a part of a digitally integrated platform.

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